Adult Fall Basketball: Pre-Season Info

13 Aug by CSA Rec Admin

Adult Fall Basketball starts next week for our Men’s League (8/19) and the following week (8/27) for our Women’s League.

Team Captains – please invite your team players to join your roster in the system. You can do this using your Team Invite Link in your team captain email. You can also do this in your team captains profile within your account. Players must be registered to your roster to be eligible to play on gameday! View your team roster within the My Teams tab to see who has completed registration for your team.

Free Agents – you can connect to your team in-advance using the team chat feature within our app. Open Gym is available at the First pres Gym for teams who would like to meet ahead of time as well. If you’d like to adjust your team name, communicate that in your team’s chat and we will make the adjustment for you.

All Players/Teams – Schedules, rosters, and chat features are available in the “My Teams” tab of our League Resources Portal. You can also view the Open Play Gym schedule at the First Pres Gym if any teams would like to capitalize on extra playing time — a free gym membership is included for the duration of the Fall Basketball Season (generally there would be a $5 day pass without your membership). For teams who do not have uniforms, CSA Rec will provide numbered pennies each gameday. These pennies will be washed after each use. However, team uniforms are encouraged and must have numbers!

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